About Us

About us

We love  golf!

The Scottsdale Golf League (SGL) is building on the 20 year legacy created by the NSMGA.  Our goal is to provide a seamless transition and take the best of what the NSMGA offered and infuse new ideas and policies into the league that will further enhance the member's experience. 

Meet the Board

Michael Radez  - President

Mike moved to Arizona from San Diego where he earned his MBA at USD.  He was a member of the Coronado Men's Club for 10 years.  In 2014 he joined the NSMGA and has enjoyed competing for the Tour Cup,  finishing runner up in 2019.  He has also supported the league by participating on the Handicap Committee.  You can contact Mike at Mike@TheSGL.org.

Pete Schaaf - Rules and Competition Chairman

Pete has been a member of the NSMGA since 2009 and is one of our resident low handicappers. Pete is also a certified USGA Rules official and has been the league’s go to regarding rules decisions for many years. If any of you have any rules questions or would simply like to have a better understanding of the rules of golf, please feel free to drop him an email at Pete@TheSGL.org. 

David Evers - Treasurer

David has been a member of the NSMGA since 2009. Having retired from commercial banking he finds that the league is a great way to keep in contact with and make new friends. It keeps the competitive juices flowing to compete on a weekly basis for points and bragging rights. He is also a die hard Arizona Coyotes fan. If you are looking for a golf game or want to discuss hockey give him a call. 

Dudley Campbell - Secretary

Dudley has been playing golf since he was 12 and moved to the valley in 2005 from Chicago. He played in golf leagues back in Chicago and in Arizona. He was first introduced to the NSMGA at the 2016 Member/Guest outing and joined immediately after that event. Since his joining the NSMGA he has developed many new friendships that he would not have if he was not in the league as well as invited others to join and enjoy the weekly events. He finds the weekly events a great way to play the different courses around the valley as well as sharpen his game with a competitive round of golf. During the week Dudley is an Architect specializing in Healthcare Design. 

Matthew Egan- Director

Matthew had been a member of the NSMGA since 2013 and enjoys competing in all of the events. Matthew grew up outside of Chicago, IL and started playing golf when he moved to Arizona were he went to Arizona State University.

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